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UK CICA Calculator
Northern Ireland CICA calculator
Sexual assault compensation calculator
Sexual abuse compensation calculator
Assault criminal injuries compensation calculator
Jaw injury compensation calculator
Leg injury compensation calculator
Foot injury compensation calculator
Arm injury compensation calculator
CICA time limit calculator
Types of Claim
What can I claim for
Compensation for assault
CICA sexual assault claims
CICA sexual abuse claims
CICA broken jaw claims
CICA broken leg claims
CICA broken foot claims
CICA broken arms claims
CICA broken hand claims
Violence statistics
Making a Claim
Make a claim
The CICA claims process
Who can I talk to?
CICA Online Application Form
CICA Fatal Injuries Online Application Form
Case studies
Assaulted after a football match resulting in teeth knocked out
Assaulted at my front door
Attacked when trying to stop a fight
Attacked whilst having a cigarette
Glassed on a night out leaving permanent facial scarring
Hit by a car driven deliberately at me
Raped by a friend
Raped on the way home from a night out
Raped whilst living in Care Home
Scarring after Road Rage attack
Sexual abuse by my uncle when I was young
Sexually Assaulted at a job interview
Sexually abused as a child
Unprovoked attack from behind whilst in the pub
Violent assault resulting a broken arm
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Our Service
Our Team
Stacey Flegg
CICA Manager
Phone Stacey
Email Stacey
Keertan Gill
Litigation lawyer
Phone Keertan
Email Keertan
Eve Raven-Bartholomew
Litigation lawyer
Phone Eve
Email Eve
Heidi Stewart
Litigation lawyer
Phone Heidi
Email Heidi
Jonathan Winston
CICA Solicitor
Phone Jonathan
Email Jonathan